not a good word rite?
these what I got from e-kamus, the meaning of bodoh.
- sukar mengerti atau mempelajari sesuatu, bebal, dungu, tolol
- bodoh alang agak bodoh
bodoh sepat nampaknya bodoh, tetapi sebenarnya tidak
bodoh sombong tidak cerdik, tetapi enggan pula menerima fikiran, pertolongan, dan sebagainya orang lain - membodohkan menjadikan bodoh, membiarkan bodoh
- menganggap bodoh
- mengakali, menipu
- kebodohan perihal bodoh, kebebalan, kedunguan, ketololan
have mention this word?
and why did you mention it?
normally when you get angry with something? have you ever think before you mention it?
if this word dedicated wrongly, then it might hurt.
so, careful with your word.
notasaya : You can anything about me, but remember this word will hunt you till you down ;)

maree keee hehee...