2 hari lepas opismate merangkap sahabatku dari jabatan sumber manusia dah kabarkan yang mana boss aku dah dikabarkan.
akhirnya,ari ni.sesampai je diopis pagi tadi aku mendapat email yang mana dari boss aku.terdapat dua borang harus dijawab.mak aiiiiiiiii!!!! soklan mengalahkan budak nak masok exam UPSR.huh!! pertama kali baca aku sakit hati.selang 2jam aku baca lagi,pon agak sakit ati + geram.sejam before balik aku print out dan baca lagi,then aku rase a bit release.coz aku rase aku ok tapi soklan tuh yang ntah pape coz orang yang buat soklan tuh saiko dan dia adalah boss aku yang rambut kerenteng tuh.die nih suke sangat nak akco emosi batin aku nih.huh!!!
sepanjang aku 5 tahun aku bekerja secara agak serius,tak pernah lagi time confirmation dapat soklan mcm gini.ingat aku ni berjawatan saiko ker?? ni aku nak jadi agak racist nih.even aku tak suke sebegitu.haihhhh!!!!
semua soklan kat bawah ni, boss aku yang pasan bagus tuh buat sendiri.
Your answers below will determine your confirmation. Most of these questions are related to your attitude and work ethics. Please answer as honestly as possible.
1. Are you committed to your job? Do you like the work that you do?
2. We are thinking of implementing a ‘clock in’ attendance system. Are you able to be punctual every day for work, 8.30am ?
3. Please give comments on your time management and prioritizing skills since the last review.
4. Since the last review, more tasks have been given to you. Do you feel you have too much to do? Are you able to work under pressure and meet datelines?
5. We know that you are attending part time classes, if there is a job that has to be finished and the dateline is very tight. What would you do and which would you give more importance to... Your job or your classes?
6. A job scope list was given to you in October 2008; do you think you have met at least 75% of the responsibilities stated?
7. Would you take MC and EL knowing you have month end, audit and year end closing?
8. If you have already applied for leave, but later, (maybe 3 days before your leave) you find out that your tasks are not complete would you still continue with your leave?
9. Staffs are abusing the Sat/ Sun replacement leaves. What is your solution for this if you are required to complete your tasks during weekdays (Mon- Fri) only?
10. Why do you think Company should confirm you?
11. Once you are confirmed and not able to perform what actions do we take against you? Please give a least 3 actions.

x faham satu benda pun soklan dia...
ReplyDeletemaybe sbb membaca tika mata mengantuk...haih!!1
ReplyDeletedak per.kite sesame wat dak paham jer.
ngehhhhh. (;